

Monday, May 21, 2012

Coconut Oil and Coconut Water with Healthy Pregnancy

Question : Is organic virgin coconut oil safe for a pregnant woman’s diet? The answer is a resounding — YES! If you are pregnant, you can safely consume coconut oil. Coconut oil is one of the healthiest fats to consume.

A mother’s milk contains lauric acid, the medium chain fatty acids found in coconut oil. Coconut oil is nature’s richest source of medium chain fatty acids. Studies have shown that breastfeeding mothers who consume coconut oil have higher amounts of lauric acid in their milk. Also, lactating mothers will have an abundant milk supply to keep their little one satisfied! 

he health benefits of coconut oil are endless. Keeping a jar on your kitchen and bathroom counter is imperative to a healthy pregnancy!

Coconut oil also helps your physical body absorb nutrients, maintain and enhance cell growth, and balance cholesterol levels.

Coconut oil is a solid at room temperature, but melts at 76 degrees. Think about it, since our bodies are a steamy 98.6 degrees, coconut oil, even though it is a saturated fat (medium chain fatty acids), cannot clog your arteries.

Enjoy cooking with coconut oil in your favorite dishes. It’s delicious! 

Healthy Skin with Coconut Oil

Give your skin a radiant glow by applying organic cold pressed coconut oil directly to your skin. Coconut oil gives the mineral oil feel on your skin, but there are no adverse side effects. During pregnancy hormonal changes can affect the oil and elasticity of the skin. Try applying coconut oil to dry stubborn areas. You’ll be amazed. Literally overnight the dryness melts into smooth skin. Also, if you are prone to extremely dry hands, apply a layer of coconut oil to your hands. Then, dry the excess oil off on a cloth, and apply a moisturizer to seal in the moisture from the coconut oil.

In addition to moisturizing, try rubbing a few tablespoons into your hair before a bath or a shower. Coconut oil is a remarkable conditioner. Wash your hair a second time after putting in the coconut oil to give your hair a fabulous shine! 

Coconut Oil:Boosting Your Immune System

Protecting your immune system is essential, especially during pregnancy. Coconut oil benefits and strengthens your immune system in many ways. Coconut oil contains antimicrobial lipids, lauric acid, capric acid and caprylic acid which have powerful antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties. Give your body a natural protective barrier against harmful diseases.

Lauric acid contains about 50% of the medium chain fatty acids in coconut oil. Researchers have even gone on to say that virgin coconut oil can supply all the lauric acid needed for boosting your immune system. Think of all the health benefits this would give you and your growing baby! Lauric acid has been called the natural germ fighter and the miracle ingredient.
Give your body an immune system a boost with coconut oil!

Coconut Water

If you are experiencing morning sickness, try coconut water. It will calm your queasiness and dizziness, and is easy to sip throughout your day. Also, an ailment plaguing many pregnant women is constipation. Coconut water and coconut oil can aid in decreasing and preventing constipation.

Many pregnant women experience an increase in body temperature. Coconut water helps balance body temperature. The stress of being pregnant along with weight gain can affect body temperature adversely. Coconut water helps by keeping the body temperature cool.

If you are pregnant or hope to become pregnant soon, be sure to add coconut oil and coconut water to your daily meals.


Unknown said...

This is really true, because I was try that, & it really helps me at my delivery time. It is really healthy foods to eat during pregnancy.

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